I really like DK’s remix of James Nottingham’s The Learning Pit. He calls it The Learning Hill. Like DK, I like to believe that learning, albeit tough work at times, should be a positive experience overall, and should lead to greater heights of understanding and the ability to share it with others.
The enduring question of “how do we make learning deep and meaningful?” drives me to always reflect on how to improve my practice. It has also framed how I approached my learning of educational technologies. My MET journey can be represented by the stacking of stones, in which the resulting structure is greater than the heights reached by any one stone alone. Understanding, application and design are the three keystones of my journey and are the foundation of my goals. Although stones themselves are individual pieces of rock, understanding, application and design do not always have discrete borders. In fact, I believe these three often fuse together when learning is deep and meaningful.

These three keystones are the organizational structure to my eportfolio. I have sorted my work into these three areas; however, as described above, many of my artifacts actually involve more than one stone.