
Before I look forward, I can’t help but reflect back on my MET goals. I realize how far I have come and how much I have grown. Yet, these goals to understand, apply and design feel very relevant still in my current context. Although my MET season has concluded, I do not believe this is the end of my ed tech learning. I can see more opportunities to gain knowledge and skill, and to share all of it with others. There are higher heights, deeper depths, and more connections to be made. I’m really excited for a future where creativity and collaboration are unbounded and amplified through technology.

Assessing creative thinking to empower learners from LEGO Foundation on Vimeo.

Building Capacity

I want to create a future where everyone can benefit from the advantages of technology, where everyone can learn, participate and have a voice in how technology influences our lives.

Practically, this could look like creating activities that help learners work on their digital literacy and citizenship skills. It could look like helping organizations and businesses develop an integration plan for new technology or develop tech-enriched educational materials for their respective learners. I also hope that it could look like sharing my story and experiences in professional development contexts.